Thursday, February 7, 2013


Since planting Praxis Community Church, we have spent countless hours asking questions like "why"? Why do we do this, why is this needed etc? This past year we have been so blessed to ask these questions as we flush out what Praxis is to look like and to be very intentional with the way we do church. It's also reminded me a lot of being saved. I didn't come to faith in Christ until I was 22. Looking back on it now, I see that the Lord had been wooing me for years. It's really beautiful to think about now. I endured more heartache than I care to address in this blog growing up. By the time I had graduated high school, I was rather hostile to the gospel. This idea of this all knowing, just, loving God honestly pissed me off. Yes, pastors wives do cuss. 
Planting Praxis has had me really remember where I was coming into faith in Christ. The patience that many had with me over the years. All the seeds that were sown into my life. The list is endless I am sure, but my Nanny God rest her soul, Gracie, Jamie, Sarah, Donna, Jason, all impacted my life and my walk with Christ more than you will ever know. I am beyond thankful. The majority of that list knew me prior to my conversion and spent countless hours loving a kid who didn't love herself. It was in their love for me that they showed me Jesus and in that love restored my hope that maybe, just maybe this Jesus is real. I had a crazy conversion that I'll save for another day. But I often think of the love given to me by these people when I didn't deserve it. When I resisted it, when I flat out refused it. They loved me anyways, in spite of me and in heart slowly began to change. Love. At the heart of who Praxis is, is love. We may not have all the bells and whistles just yet. We have a lot of things left to figure out. But what we do love. And that's something that I am proud to say we do well. We don't care where you have been or where you are right now..what we do care about is you. And we're ready to love you if you'll let us. I know it's scary..I have been there. Just come....
So why Praxis? Why do we exist? Because of love....because He first loved us. 

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