I rarely stay home with the kids all day. That's like suicide. They get all crazy if I keep them pent up. My big three go to a Mothers Day Out three days a week. So you know, they get social skills and don't become...weird. That's Ryan's fear, that our kids will be "weird". Imagine his fear growing as I told him that I am praying through home schooling...anyways, days like today are the days that I miss smoking. Yeah, I use to smoke. Quite a bit. Like I smoked so much that before I even got out of bed I lit a cigarette. My days revovled around smoking. I really don't miss smoking. The thought of it now repulses me...it's just I haven't found a stress reliever the way that cigarettes released stress for me all those years ago.
So the home schooling thing...yeah, I am praying through that. I never thought I would even approach that. I always said that wasn't my gifting. And I have no idea what our kid situation will look like, so yeah, no way. But then I started to feel that pull on my heart like I have with so many other big changes, adjustments...I need to make sure that the reason I say no to it isn't because I am lazy. Oh, and the "weird" thing. When I asked Ryan to pray and work through this with me, that was his response, "I don't want them to be weird". I don't want them to be weird either. I don't know what we will do. Luckily we have a year and a half to work through it.
I told Morgan that I may teach her, she told me no way. Then I showed her a private school by us that we are looking at for them and she told me "that's not going to be good enough". Geez, I think no matter what we decide, somebody's not going to be happy. And I just may be adding another "heck no" to my list.
What private school are you considering? We are enrolling at Tate Springs, but I would also suggest a strong look at Grace Prep.
ReplyDeleteI've been giving a lot of thought to homeschooling as well - maybe if I ever actually have kids and move back to Texas we could do it together ;)